CMMS Surgical and Dental Mission in Mariveles, Bataan, 11-17 February 2024
After four long years, we thank our Almighty God for allowing us to resume our annual humanitarian endeavours. The COVID-19 pandemic held us captive, keeping the world at a stand-still for what seemed like ages. In February 2023, as conditions began to change for the better, we started to plan for a February 2024 mission at the Mariveles District Hospital in Bataan. Months of planning, negotiation, and supply delivery ensued - as early as August 2023, we shipped medical and hospital supplies to ensure their timely delivery for the upcoming mission. Finally, from February 11th to 16th, 2024, a dedicated group of volunteers were able to carry out charitable healthcare services to the underserved citizens of Bataan.
As in past missions, members of the SPSA were invited to participate, and the response was overwhelmingly beneficial for these volunteers, as well as the patients for whom care was provided. Dedicated volunteers from Canada, USA, Germany and the Philippines comprised the 80-member mission Team that provided over 1,450 procedures and services to indigent members of the Bataan province.
The mission team offered comprehensive health care services, consisting of major and minor surgery, restorative and surgical dentistry, rehabilitation, and audiology, as well as distribution of reading glasses. All medications, anesthesia drugs and surgical and hospital supplies were provided for free; excess supplies and medications were donated to the Mariveles District Hospital.
The week-long mission – where hard-working volunteers worked through Valentine’s Day – was capped off by a Governor-sponsored dinner and dance, which the mission volunteers thoroughly enjoyed. The after-dinner party allowed Dr. Rolly Mendiola, Dr. Aimee Mabini, Dr. Pete Atienza and Dr. Ed Barcelona to showcase their vocal talents. Truly, a group of multi-talented professionals!
We thank all of our committed volunteers from both groups for their unwavering support, and we pray for God’s continued blessings upon them for their dedication and generosity in providing the urgent healthcare needs of the poor and underprivileged.
With our Almighty’s guidance, we will continue with our collaborative efforts in giving our health care assistance to the poor communities. For as long as the impoverished cry for assistance, we will respond to their call.
The Canadian Medical Mission Society (www.cmmsbc.com) based in Vancouver, BC is a Registered Non-profit group with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Charity Registration No. 80602 3057. We invite volunteers to join CMMS in serving the underprivileged. Inquiries can be directed to hervyn88@gmail.com. , or AMABINI@haltonhealthcare.com.